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Evaluation Form

InventU Fuel Evolution Summit

4th-5th December, 2024
Brussels, Belgium

Thank you for being part of the IFE Summit. Subscribe to our newsletter for further information about the next year edition!


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    How satisfied were you with the Summit?

    How relevant for your business were the participants you met at the Summit?

    If you could change one thing of the Summit what would it be?

    What subject of topics would you like to see us focusing on at the next conference?

    Which companies, speakers or markets you would like to meet on the next annual?

    Did the venue meet your expectations? Any suggestions what to improve about the location/setup?

    We hope that we delivered a valuable experience for you and your company. What can InventU improve as organizer in the future?

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    Ucnovska 9, 190 00
    Prague, Czech Republic

    T: 00 420 277 277 277
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