The future of biofuels in Europe is constantly evolving and changing. In the light of the policy developments over the last years, specifically RED II, the position of the first-generation biofuels has become quite unclear. However, with respect to the new European Green Deal commitments, serious questions are raised like whether the use of advanced biofuels while leaving the conventional biofuels behind, will bring Europe to a desired carbon neutrality. Thus, we are inviting you to join our conference to discuss these as well as many other important issues regarding the prospects of first and second-generation biofuels with the experts across the whole European biofuels industry presenting topics like:
• What role is left for 1st generation biofuels?
• The real potential of Waste Fats & Oils.
• Technologies for Biomass conversion into liquid fuels.
• Biomass availability for renewable fuels: Another billion ton opportunity?